
furnace vacuum

  • Customer service: to act quickly and efficiently is a must

    Customer service: to act quickly and efficiently is a must


    Customer assistance is a considerable asset for HTS Vacuum Furnaces, on site and remotely. The great experience of HTS has allowed us to understand the...
  • HTS at the HärtereiKongress

    HTS at the HärtereiKongress


    International exhibitors at the 2022 edition of the HärtereiKongress The HärtereiKongress , one of the most important international events dedicated to heat...
  • HTS Vacuum Furnaces will be at ECHT 2023

    HTS Vacuum Furnaces will be at ECHT 2023


    ECHT 2023 : is the leading conference on heat treatment e surface engineering . HTS Vacuum Furnaces will participate in ECHT 2023 di Genova (Italy) from May...
  • HTS will be at HK 2023, in Cologne

    HTS will be at HK 2023, in Cologne


    Il 79° Congresso sui trattamenti termici dell’Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wärmebehandlung und Werkstofftechnik e. V., AWT, si svolgerà a Colonia dal 24 al 26 ottobre...
  • The cutting-edge in heat treatment for turbines

    The cutting-edge in heat treatment for turbines


    Energy savings and sustainability HTS furnaces are a state-of-the-art solution for the heat treatment of critical components such as turbine blades and...
  • The HTS preventative cycle

    The HTS preventative cycle


    The efficiency of the HTS maintenance A document to limit costs and downtime The preventive maintenance programme proposed by HTS Vacuum Furnaces is divided...


HTS Vacuum Furnaces

HTS is an innovative player among the manufacturers of vacuum furnaces: design and production based on the customer’s objectives.